That is what the three runs I had all night metered out to.
- 7:05 pm - logged on-duty
- 8:10 pm - Prince to The Grand
- 2:45 am - "Triangle" to far north Kihei
- 4:15 am - north-central Kihei to Maui Meadows
- 4:30 am - parked ONE-NINE and went home. Already had 2 day cabs on-duty
It looks as if we had a fatal traffic incident last night. Tina saw a demolished motorcycle on the shoulder of the road, just south of Kaonoulu/Pi'ilani. MPD blocked all southbound Pi'ilani traffic for about 5 hours. The road is typically only closed that long if the accident is fatal. They have to get a Medical Examiner on-scene, from Honolulu, before the body can be removed.
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Didn't miss a damn thing by not going out on Sunday night. None of the night drivers metered $100 and Monday night was even slower. Obviously, Tuesday was just as bad.I was really pissed when I got into ONE-NINE last night. The gas tank was only 1/8 full. Since the company pays for the gas I wasn't losing money but its just the irritant of the situation.
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Interesting new fact I caught on the news. BBC-TV, BBC-24 and CNN all have video of their reporters standing in front of Tower #7 at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Each service's reporter was reading from a gov't press release stating that Tower #7 had just collapsed. As I said, they were standing with a non-collaosed Tower #7 in the background of their video as they made this report. Tower #7 collapsed about 20-minutes later.
Hanapepe Valley Lookout

"Let's all be careful out there!"