Did some finanglin' and have enough to cover my obligations on the !st. So that means that for the first time since I moved to Mau'i, 13 years ago - next month, I will not be working on New Year's Eve. I am also off New Year's Day.
I can't express how happy I am. No amateur drunks, no pukers, no drunk "jay-walkers" (dressed all in black), no screaming passengers who crank the stereo up to maximum volume,. no dodging "Roman Candles" and "Bottle Rockets" fired at "ONE-NINE".
I am going to have a couple of drinks at Judy's, watch our time adjusted view of the ball dropping in New York and listen to the hours of fireworks that are an annual tradition in Hawai'i. I have been in active free-fire combat zones that were quieter than Mau'i on New Year's Eve.
Of course, I live at the end of the world's day. It is already 2007 in Kiwi and Oz and other points in the far east.
If anyone should happen to drop by here today, you can go here to watch the show, activities and "ball drop" in NYC live on the internet. I think the webcast begins around 9:00pm New York time (UTC -5). Check it out.
I wish each and everyone of you
that 2006 be the worst year of you life.
Territorial Office Building

"Let's all be careful out there!"