This is Darryl and Samantha from Victorville, CA, USA. They are staying on the westside of the island but took a room at The Grand so that they could go to Tsunami's and not risk a DUI.
Smart move.
Tsumani's wouldn't let them in!
Because Darryl was wearing "slippers" (aka: "thongs", aka: "sandals", aka: "flip-flops", aka: "zorees"). He was here to relax and hadn't even brought any regular shoes on their holiday.
Took them to Mulligans, then later to the "Triangle" and finally back to The Grand at bar close.
He was not a "happy camper" and I can't blame him. Would you want to spend $800 for your room and then be told (in so many words) by the staff at Tsunami's that you're dressed like a "bum"?
I think they might have a case for civil litigation, since female patron's shoe styles will not cause them to be rejected from admittance.
I am borrowing an idea from London Cabby.
Here are my trip sheets from last night.
I, too, will only do this once.
The info is pretty self-explanatory.
I logged in at 7:04pm (1904 hrs) Saturday night, 29-April-2006, and logged off at 7:01am (0701 hrs) Sunday morning 30-April-2006.
Drove 194 miles (312.21 kilometers) during my 11 hour 57 minute shift and had 19 runs.

To say that this was a good shift is an understatement.
Everyone tipped very, very generously also. Didn't get "stiffed" once!
How much did I take home?
I'll never tell. ;)
But I did, finally, get that pack of chewing gum I've wanted for so long. :)
This is what I charged on the company credit card. They buy the gas:

These are the new pump prices:

Don't forget, Monday, May 1st, is "Lei Day" here in Hawai'i and Friday, May 5th, is "Boy's Day" in Japan.
"Let's all be careful out there!"