The night started off fast.
As soon as I logged on, I was given a dispatch for a run to the Seawatch.
When I cleared that I was dispatched to an address in Mau'i Meadows, a Kihei subdivision that borders the northeast edge of Wailea. The guy gets in my cab.
"Aloha. Where are we headed tonight?"
"The store."
"Which store sir?"
"The shops."
"The 'Shops at Wailea?'"
[radio traffic]"One-nine picked up, XXXXX to the "Shops.' Roundtrip."[/radio traffic]
"I am NOT going to the 'Shops!'"
"Then where are we headed sir?"
"Just shut up and drive. I'll tell you where to turn and when to stop."
I slammed on the brakes, after traveling about 100 yards, and immediately did a "Y"-turn.
"Sir, this ride has just ended. No one talks to me in that manner and that tone of voice. EVER. I am taking you back to your house. You don't owe me a penny."
"What the fuck?"
"No 'what the anything' sir. I am not your peon and you sure as hell ain't my master. You'll have to find another means of transportation."
"What if I said 'I'm sorry'? I need to get to an ATM machine."
"Thanks your problem, sir, not mine. Now GET OUT!"
He called "dispatch" and complained and was told by Alex, "Wil's the hardest driver in the fleet to piss off. Somehow you did it and, no, I won't send another cab. You'll need to find another way to get to an ATM machine."
Now I was irked. While all this was going on, all the other cabs were picking up to OGG [sound of grinding teeth].
Staged up 1st, and only car, in the queue.
Then my right rear door opened and a guy stuck his head in and asked for a ride to The Four Seasons, next door.
As I am turning into the driveway at The Four Seasons I notice a nice looking couple standing on the curb, with luggage. Thats strange. After dropping my fare, and reaching the street again, the lady "flagged" me down.
"Can you take us to the airport please?"
***Instant endorphine rush!***
"Uh, sure. Hop in."
That was followed by another OGG run when I returned to Kihei.
Things were definately improving!
We kept busy until 10:00pm and then it "died."
Eeked out a few pupu runs until bar close.
But the "cherry on the cake" was getting a 5:00am run from the Kihei-Wailea border to Ka'anapali (kah-ah-nah-pah-lee). Fare=$92.00. (Tip=$3.00. Oh, well.)
Went home very happy. Very tired but very happy. I could now make a "lay-away" payment on that pack of chewing gum I've wanted for so long. ;)
Since my "idiot light" was on, in my personal car, I threw $20 into the tank on the way home. Didn't buy much.

I haven't seen one of these in years. A "barber's pole." It was the rotating type and the colors didn't capture well. Sorry. Its on a shop in the "Triangle."

This is what the "Triangle" and Life's A Beach look like in the pre-sunrise daylight.

This is what the back lot at the "Triangle" looked like 24 hours after the flooding. Where those puddles are is where the water was over 4 feet deep.

This is the walkway from Lulu's to the Tiki Lounge, in the "Triangle."

See how hard it is to hold a camera steady for a 2-second exposure.
This is my friend, Bill, from MPD. He reminds me a lot of myself at that age. A true professional and a nice guy.

On my way back from Ka'anapali, I stopped by the harbor in Lahaina (lah-high-nah) and got a couple of shots. It was still dark, sorry.

This is a spot on the pali, on SR30, between Lahaina and Ma'alaea.
There really wasn't a view of anything but clouds, clouds and more clouds.

Looking east. The West Mau'i Mountains in the left background.

Mt. Haleakala across Ma'alaea Bay. Kihei runs along the far shoreline. Wailea is to the far right with Makena just out of view.

Looking southeast towards Haleakala.

"Let's all be careful out there!"