That the Finns won isn't surprising. The fact that there is a World Sauna Championship is. I used to have a hottub that I kept at 115°f, some 20 years ago when I could afford it. I found it too cool when it dropped below 110°f.

To "popcorn" or to not "popcorn". That is the question. The question that theater owners and goers must contend with in bloody ol' Britain. Gee, I am old enough to remember when popcorn came covered in real butter. Not that artificial yellowy chemical mix they use nowadays. I can also remember when margarine came as a white gooey substance that was turned yellow by blending in the contents of a capsule that was included in the box.
Ever heard of "beer goggles"? Me neither. But the police in Buffalo Grove IL are missing theirs. Sorry, Canadians. It has nothing to do with competitive beer vat diving. But the Czech Republic does offer a "beer spa" for a nice sudsy soak.
Okay, it is a TV ad but it does capture the ideal goal of any Olympiad or other competition. Give it all you've got:
"I didn't play the music that loudly -- and it wasn't just Cher -- I used to play heavy metal as well," he said.And to continue in that vein, I am not sure whether the Brits don't like noise or just like to make it.
Checkout the background. Pretty much sums things up IMO:

"Let's all be careful out there!"