Yesterday evening I had dinner at
Appleby's with the "daughter" and grandsons #3 & #4. Then we went to see the
Indiana Jones movie. Later I watched the mid-season finale of
Battlestar Gallactica. It was a wonderful day.
I have watched
Appleby's commercials for years but, since there were no outlets on Mau'i, I could only fantasize about the quality of their product. Lets just say that it didn't live up to my dream. Not that there was anything wrong with either the food or service but it was just ordinary. Plain ordinary. I'll probably go back again but with greatly lowered expectations.
I would rate the
Indie movie an "
A-". It started a bit slow and was predictable through most of the plot. But there was plenty of action/adventure. When you are at a movie with a 4-year old, its easy to determine when the story had lost excitement. So, using the 4 y.o. meter gauge, I would say that it dragged for a maximum total of 15 minutes. Not too bad. There were some surprises. When Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) appeared it was a shock and, as one of you hinted earlier, if George Lucas wants to continue the
Indie series into the future he has it all set up with the Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) character. And it would be a natural extension. Trust me. There was symbolism about "passing the hat" in the closing scene.
The comedic spots were good and the quips were appropriate. The ending was a might strange but acceptable.
This was the first movie I have seen in a theater since
Star Wars - Episode 1. In the beautiful multi-screen theater we attended, I was impressed by how clean it was. No matter where I looked. The people were well behaved. No kids running rampant, no conversations across the theater, no cell phones ringing. Civilized behavior that I was unaccustomed to.
My son has
Dish-Tv and has been
Battlestar Gallactica for me. He has no interest in sci-fi. Last night I was able to watch last Friday's episode. The coalition of remaining Humans and Cylons finally reach Earth. An Earth that has been devastated and is devoid of any lifeforms. And the event is not a recent occurrence. That is where it ended. Paradise Lost. There are 10 more episodes to go before the series ends and they don't start airing until January of '09. I hope the
SAG doesn't go on strike and screw-up production schedules and the winter TV season.
Thanks for stopping over. I hope everyone has had a pleasant weekend.
Talk with you later.
"Let's all be careful out there!"