Judy and I had a great time at Alissa's place last night. They had never met each other before and instantly were comfortable with each other. For me it was a wonderful night of catching up with their lives. Leah has now entered her third trimester and is excited about being a mama very soon. Alissa loves to just hold her hands against her sister's tummy and feel the baby move. The first thing I did when I entered the house was put my hands on her tummy. Yeah, I am a "touchy feelly" kind of guy. By the time I see them again the baby will be 10 months old. I can hardly wait to be able to hold it and coo and burble. Babies like to be held by me, I must have a calm demeanor or something.
Have a GREAT day, everybody. Talk with ya tomorrow.
Waikiki Beach - O'ahu
"Let's all be careful out there!"
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
5 weeks ago