I have heard though that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), DHS, CIA , FBI and TSA have sealed warrants for his arrest for illegally entering the country every year with goods that have not had import taxes paid on, violating the "NO-FLY" list, failure to file a flight plan, no passport or entry visa, possible pedophile activities, habituating known haunts of terrorist organizations globally, and slavery. The IRS wants to know how a man with no known income is able to acquire the "presents" he illegally dumps on an ailing global economy. The DEA also has questions about what type of material he puts in his pipe. His famous "RED" suit and the giving away of commercial merchandise for "free" have given rise to speculation that he might have ties to communist organizations.
His ability to enter and egress any room, in any structure across the world without, normally, detection has given rise to suspicions that he might be the source of the leaked U.S. Government documents being released by Wikileaks.
NORAD is also collaborating with Google Earth to provide documentation of his movements across the planet.
You can find more information HERE.
"Let's all be careful out there!"
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
4 weeks ago