To see the effect, you need to click on the image. Sadly, animated .gifs don't show on the front page here at Blogger.

If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one color, pink.
However if you stare at the black ' + ' in the center, the moving dot turns to green.
Now, concentrate on the black ' + ' in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a single green dot rotating.
It's amazing how our brain works.
There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This is proof we don't always see what we think we see. And why "eyewitness" testimony is seldom accurate.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"