"June in Florida" sent me this a few days ago. I kept trying to lift the video from the article. Obviously, I failed.***
When I was a kid, the only crater that I knew of was the one just outside of Winslow, AZ. At that time people thought it was a volcanic remnant. Then someone put 2+2 together and realized that something had fallen down and gone BOOM. There are now 170+ impact craters identified on our planet. Some almost 200 miles wide and over 2 billion years old. We now know the one off the Yucatan Peninsula allowed mammals (and eventually humans) to become the dominate species on Earth when it exterminated the dinosaurs.***
Rhetorical Question:Why do people believe in ghosts, demons, ET visitations? The most outstanding of these tales have always proved to be outlandish hoaxes or delusions. The real world offers so many more fascinating mysteries than most people can understand. The gullibility of people never ceases to astound me.
The forecast is a bit shaky.
I wonder if that means California will fall into the sea before I turn 98. Not bloody likely, wrong type of fault zone. The latest from USGS is beginning to put a point on the stick they've used to guesstimate future seismic activity. But they haven't got to the point of adding a sharp blade to that stick.
Oh, there have been over 500 temblors in California in the past week. Most only detectable by sensitive instruments.
In my Lex Luthor Doesn't Exist column:A cop who moonlighted as a bank robber.
The US Naval Academy Lt. Commander who "turned tricks" to supplement her meager salary. She also taught "Ethics" at the Academy.
The "Einstein" who, while waiting for a store to empty out so he could rob it, completed and submitted an employment application.

The courtship has ended., the wedding announcements are out. Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines have agreed to join in wedded bliss. NW will follow tradition and accept Delta's name. Delta will have 7 groomsmen at the altar. Northwest will have 5 bridesmaids. Once the various government agencies have issued their licenses, the final date will be announced. The couple anticipate living at the grooms home, in Atlanta GA. I wish them a long and profitable life.
The pusher shot and killed by Maui Police last week was high on "ice", according to the latest information on the post-mortem toxicology screening.***
I hope everyone gets through today okay and can make it back tomorrow.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"