Usually the rising and setting of a full moon is breathe taking.
Not tonight!
Cloud cover obscured everything.
This is as good as it got.

Everytime a passenger gets in my cab I always ask "where ya'll from?" It's a great "ice breaker".
Here are the results of tonight:
1 - New York, New York, USA
2 - USMC on leave from Iraq
3 - Palm Springs, California, USA
4 - London, United Kingdom
5 - Island of Moloka'i, Mau'i County, Hawai'i, USA
6 - Kama'aina
7 - Phoenix, Arizona, USA
8 - Wales, United Kingdom (He did tell me the city name but it must have been 30 letters long. Welsh must be as hard to understand as Hawai'ian)
9 - Kama'aina
10 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
11 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
12 - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
and Edmondton, Alberta, Canada
Gas has gone up over the weekend

Air Canada cancelled their "redeye" last night (which kinda skewed the survey). All the night shift drivers but one had logged off. The last remaining driver was headed for the barn when I started getting calls from The Grand. Both PBX operators called at the same time. I needed to pick up three sets of guests from the airport and return them to The Grand. I advised the other driver that I needed his assistance and we both "high-tailed it" to OGG. We had a 2-pax, a 3-pax and a 4-pax waiting for us.
Then the phone really started ringing as the other 280 passengers also wanted a cab. Geez!
I called La Bella, the 24/7 cab company in central Mau'i, and advised them of what had happened and they sent their 2 night cabs to the airport. They also started calling in dayshift drivers early.
Eventually everyone was accommodated. And a mediocre night was rescued.
What you can't see is that her gentleman companion is "passed out" on the grass perimeter of the Foodland parking in front of "one-nine". Spread-eagled and supine. She is patiently waiting for a friend to pick them up, literally true for "sleepyhead".

That's Royal Cab #18 in the background.
Kama'aina (kah-mah-eye-nah) is the term to describe residents of Hawai'i who are not of Hawai'ian blood.
If you live in Texas you can call yourself "Texan".
If you live in California you can call yourself "Californian".
But only native Hawai'ians can call themselves "Hawai'ian" in Hawai'i.
"Let's all be careful out there!"
When I left work this morning, the gas prices were $2.59 unleaded;$2.69 preminum;and $2.69 diesel. I am just as disturbed over the pricing as everyone else, but am tired of people complaining about it to me, or assuming that I know 'something'! Ugh.
We're paying $A1.15 a litre for unleaded which is $US3.25 a US gallon.
In the UK it's $US6.05 a US gallon!!
In 1998, we got petrol for 99 cents US per gallon in New Mexico and the average was about $US1.10. It wasn't that much more in 2002 either.
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