In case you aren't busy worrying about terrorists, global warming and the plummeting economy, the latest menace to society: blue inflatable pools.
She hits a tree. She is drunk. 9 times the legal limit drunk. Of course, she only drinks on days that have a "Y" in them.
The Amish in Kentucky do not want to display slow-moving vehicle emblems on their horse-drawn buggies because they say the signs are "too worldly"
Playboy to feature "the Girls of Olive Garden". In a complete surprise, the "Girls Of Waffle House" didn't test market very well
Good news: "professional and discreet...a 10-day guarantee...100% professional we don't charge in advance".
Bad news: Classified ads for hitmen in Mexico
TSA looking into "possible unauthorized release of sensitive and classified information to the news media" after report that less than 1% of flights carry air marshals.
Of the 170,000 gasoline stations in America, some 8,000 have pumps that can't be adjusted to today's prices. So, if the price looks too good to be true, it probably isn't.
Now that wildfires in California are coming under control, the mudslides have started
If you're going to the embassy to get your passport renewed, you might want to take the $4,000 worth of crack out of your purse first
Once again, if airport security guards ask what you have in your carry-on luggage, don't tell them "parts of a Kalashnikov"
As always, thanks for the time you spend with me.

"Let's all be careful out there!"