Segway, meet the Toyota Winglet.
New Homeland Security rules now allows border agents to confiscate laptops, ipods, miscellaneous papers and pocket trash from all persons (including US citizens) for no reason other than they didn't blink the right number of times when passing through Customs. All these items, and more, may be transported to off-site locations for further scrutiny and decryption. Exactly how many of the towers on 9/11 were brought down by an mp3 player? George Orwell had everything right, except the time-line.
Besides, DHS has a shopping list of problems.
While I can't fault the concept, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now can regulate tobacco products. The same FDA that allowed poisoned medications in from China. That won't allow the import of cheaper phamaceuticals from Canada, even though they are made in the USA. That gave us Phen fen, Thamaldahyde, and countless more disasters. The same FDA that destroyed this year's tomato crop, when the problem was peppers. I often wonder if the "witches" of yore weren't as effective.
If you are a snorer the odds are you probably have sleep apnea. Which raises your chances of dying. Considerably!
As I've mentioned before, Alzheimer's Disease runs in my family (mother, maternal grandfather). It now appears that overthinking, worrying and ruminating may slow the disease's progress. I may have to sit and ponder that for awhile.
One destroyer. One mk-48 torpedo. Result: Kiss the boat goodbye.
This new type of torpedo doesn't actually strike the target vessel. Instead, it detonates just beneath the keel. Effectively breaking the ship's back.
I wonder if hiring a hitman to kill an IRS agent doing an audit of your business is a deductable business expense? Probably not.
Forget about casinos on indian reservations. The new concept is to erect power plants.
I checked and "slick Willy" is not associated with this law firm. But I bet he wishes he were.
66% of Americans are overweight. 32% are obese. How can skinny Obama be a "common person"?
Have a great weekend!
"Let's all be careful out there!"
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
5 weeks ago