This video and accompaning story just scream "po' white trash" so loudly. There are just certain stories that seem to naturally fall into certain geographical parts of our country.
That is the coolest fountain I have ever seen. Obviously somewhere in Asia. Hmmm How about taking this a step further and adding lasers? Think of the possibilities of them working together.
Kids and water sprinklers. A natural combination. Species immaterial.
You may have noticed. I've decided to rearrange the publishing schedule for the various segments of this blog. I'll touch on the serious news in the noon and 6pm posts from now on. Thats if I feel like it. Lead the day with cartoons, followed by a short history lesson and then current events. NOTE: "Current Events" doesn't necessarily include any of the strife and turmoil of our lifes. If I feel a need to be snarky, thats where I'll do it. If I just want to be nostalgic, thats my stage. If you like the change, I am pleased. If you don't, I am also pleased.
The first 2 segments (toons, history) are, usually, going to be published everyday. The other 2 segments have less of a guarantee.
If you are interested in why, swing back by for my 6pm post.
Thanks for your time.
Hope to see you again real soon.
"Let's all be careful out there!"
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
5 weeks ago