1981 THRU 2007
The best graphic example I've come across of the shrinking polar icecap. Related story.
The Phoenix Mars Lander has scraped through the surface soil, the subsurface soil and has finally reached the ice layer. They are calling the area where it landed "Wonderland".
Bill Gates has "retired" and new leadership is taking over Microsoft. Bill did more for us web users than anyone else. Whether or not you agree with his business tactics, the products he produced, even with their faults, has provided millions (if not billions) with access to our world in a way never dreamed of. Thank you, sir.
In a report to be issued on Monday, the Army now states that the planning for post-war Iraq was inadequate. Mostly led by the rose-colored glasses view of the Dubya administration that we would be welcomed as liberators. Perpetuated by the military leaders who bought into "Fearless Leader's" flawed view of reality "lock, stock and barrel". George Walker Bush, our 43rd President is going to leave behind a legacy that I hope no future leader ever follows. I wonder how he earned an MBA? He has less brains, and common sense, than any predecessor.
The Federal Reserve is extremely worried about inflation. A recession that could become a depression, rampant price increases on everything imported (and what isn't?) and stunted internal growth are leading everyone to the poor house in lock-step.
Science may have found an effective way to mitigate migraines.
How bad is it back on Mau'i?
I hope every one enjoys the rest of the weekend. Remember this is a short work week. Fourth of July is on Friday and the long mid-summer 3-day weekend. Thank you for coming by. Hope to see you again real soon.
"Let's all be careful out there!"
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
5 weeks ago