Finding a hand grenade is common in areas where there has been combat. But a new grenade, still in its original packaging, in the back yard of a suburban home in Canada is a bit more rare.
Cell phone going dead? Try dancing to recharge it.
Need a good laugh? Might want to contemplate a trip to England.
You've probably seen him. That guy who plays a guitar in Times Square, wearing only a cowboy hat, boots and his jockey shorts is a famous tourist attraction. Well M&M candy used a parody image of him in a commercial. I guess the didn't realize that his act is copyrighted and trademarked. And they didn't pay the licensing fee. Court proceeding are in progress.n
Former Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan, when asked if we are on the brink of a recession said the odds are better than 50% that we will be in one shortly.
The famous basketball player, Shaquille O'Neal, has lost his badge.

"Let's all be careful out there!"