On Thursday, the small town of Cozad, Nebraska had a heat burst where the temperature jumped 20 degrees in just a few minutes. This was accompanied by wind gusts in excess of 75 mph. It is a rare event but has been documented before.
China Airlines handled this incident a lot differently than most American air carriers would have. In fact, here the people probably would have been arrested under terrorism charges.
Earlier this year a go! Airline overshot its destination in Hawaii when the pilots fell asleep at the controls. Now the same thing has happened again but this time it was in India.
Continuing with the airline theme, J Lo is being sued for $5 million after her German shepherd guard dog caused an incident onboard a privately chartered jet, which resulted in injuries to a flight attendent.
What is the Greatest Car That Never Was? Take the poll here.
The Chief of Police of Flint, Michigan has instituted a crack down (pun?) on those people who like to wear their pants so low on their hips that too much is displayed of their skin.

"Let's all be careful out there!"