I was checking on the videos that I have posted at YouTube. Why? Hell, I don't know. I was bored. Anyway, I was surprised that some of them have had hits into the 1,000's. Oh, I know that there are a lot that are in the millions but I usually don't post the stuff that is part of pop culture. So any significant number of hits beyond what my loyal readership provides is amazing.
If you want to see all 29 videos, JUST CLICK HERE.
My good friend Bev, for almost 10 years, made a post over at Cosmik Yatta the other day about Spring finally arriving in far north New Hampshire, where she and her husband, David, live. In their part of the world there are 2 seasons - WINTER and spring/summer/fall. Okay, thats is a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe. This past winter has been the 3rd worst in history.***
I see that the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) now determines what is appropriate jewelery to wear when boarding a plane.Does anyone else see the corollary between how the gov't/airline industry treats people and the way that southern California meat packing plant handled their sick & injured cattle?
Yesterday was "shopping day" for me. I have been living on an extremely frugal budget and my body has started protesting the lack of necessary nutrients. So I noticed that SubWay has a special on, offering $5 footlong subs. Of course, in Hawai'i, its $5.99 but they are very healthy and one of their subs lasts me 2 days. So I picked up 3 of them to cover 6 days worth of meals. Way cheaper than anything I could make for myself at home. I've mentioned Mau'i food prices before (ad naseum). I only have one meal a day. Hopefully my check arrives today or Monday. Times are a bit rough at the moment. First priority is always making sure that my kitty has food. Sorry, I didn't mean to bemoan my current status. Things will change.***
Its TGIF and I hope each and every one of you has a fantastic weekend. I'll be back tomorrow and hope you can make it by also.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"