Well the rumor was true. "Maui Jim" left the company yesterday. A very industrious and energetic man. 7 days a week, for 15 to 20 hours, for almost 6 years. Unless he was sick, he only took the Christmas/New Years period off. Generated a lot of profit for the company. Jim and I were never friends but we each respected the other' abilities. A very intelligent person. He has developed a very large group of "regulars", both resident and returning tourists, during his tenure that will be going with him. I had a feeling this was coming for the past 2 years. Nothing that was overtly mentioned, just that "little voice" in my head. I wish him the very best and:"Live Long and Prosper"
I've mentioned that Valentines is not very busy for us. Last night was the proof that "all rules have exceptions".Picked up Pat & Ray 15 minutes after I started my night. They went to Duos, a new restaurant in the Four Seasons. Then I stayed very busy until 11:00 PM. One fare from then until midnight. One during the 'witching" hour and 2 bar-close. Dog-watch was devoid of any activity. I did have a 4:00 AM reservation from the south end of town to the airport but they were a no-show. I only had the building number but not the apartment number and the driver/dispatcher who took the reservation failed to get a call-back number. A shame, because that would have been the perfect finish for a very profitable shift.
Last night was a replay of what a normal night used to be, 2 years ago. There were some moments when we actually had more calls than we had cabs to cover but I think the longest wait for anyone was just 30 minutes.
We also had a lot of weddings yesterday. Go figure! LOL!!
14 fares / 110 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
I sure hope we don't hire anyone to cover Jim's night shift hours. His departure means each driver's portion of the nightly "take" will increase and we sorely need that.
I'll have the phone on Saturday and that will probably become my regular night. With 8 people covering 7 nights, we always fell back one day each week. Now it will be status quo until someone misses their turn for whatever reason. Then every one will move up a day. "Lucky" Brian is taking a week off in the near future and that'll reshift things again Confused? Try living it. :)
Gawd, I hope the next 2 days follow suite with last night. It would make it the best week since New Years. Check back tomorrow to find out. Hope to see you then.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"