I was turning around behind FoodLand after dropping at the "Triangle" and struck a damn piece of concrete with ONE-NINE (see photo - above). No excuse, I just plain didn't see it. Sent the photo to the owner and the fact that I did it. Hope I still have a job next Tuesday.
Two collisions in three days really hurts.
A few trips with tourists but the greater majority were residents. Including three fares from one residence over the night. There was an early Christmas party and everyone was smart enough to take a cab. I knew most of the people from prior encounters, some I consider friends, in as much as a cabbie can establish some form of relationship with regulars.
Felt sorry for one guy. His English was just a hair better than my Spanish. The gist of his story was a friend or relative in California had been shot 5 times and was in the hospital. When I asked why he had been shot, my fare responded:
We have a new night driver, started Thursday night. He'll also be my graveyard relief on Sunday's and Monday's. John seems sharp and I have a good feeling about him. He'll be placed in the dispatching rotation late this week or early next week. I think we may have a winner. I just hope the Christmas and winter "high" seasons will be active enough to support having 5 to 7 drivers on at night. When I used to actually make good money we only had 3 or 4 working.
This past week has drained my psychological, emotional, mental and physical reserves. I need these next 2 days off. Badly.
14 fares / 103 miles / 3rd quater $100 bracket
Found this different web-cam site from Mauna Kea, the almost 14,000 foot peak on the Big Island. Besides giving multi perspectives, it also has mpegs of entire 24 hour periods from the summit. They have the current and prior 7 days available. The views are to the north, south, north-northwest and north-northeast. I have found that the videos of the 8th are really impressive.
I am hungry, exhausted and off to bed, shortly. I'll be back tomorrow, hope you will be too.

"Let's all be careful out there!"