Not a lot to write about this morning. Exactly one hour after logging on I picked up to OGG from Wailea. At this time of year, that is always profitable. Then one pu-pu run at 9:30p and another at 11:00p. One bar-close flag. Did a bare necessities stop at Safeway and then went home to kill the rest of the dog-watch. The Fates had a surprise in store for me. A PBX operator out of one of the Wailea resorts called and asked if I "wanna take a ride?" (Anyone know what movie that line is from?)
9 minutes later I made the pick-up and off to the harbor in Lahaina we went. There is some sort of deepsea fishing competion taking place this week and he was entered. That made the perfect close for the night. My relief, Mary, checked in just as I entered Kihei on the return and I was home before 5:00a. I was the "pigeon" last night, rather than the statue. "Top-Gun" for the shift. I wish they could all be like this for the next 4 weeks or so. Sadly, they won't.
5 fares / 118 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
You know that laundry I was going to do yesterday....
I didn't.
Never got the nap either, even though I tried.
So now, almost 22 hours later, I am going to grab a bite to eat and bury my head in my pillow.
See ya manana.

"Let's all be careful out there!"