Another fantastic shift!
I am deep drawing on my energy reserves. One because it has been a long time since we've had this much activity. Two, I have dispatched 6 of the last 13 nights. I know, 2 of them were my "from home" shifts but even that is draining.
I found out that our new dispatch rotation schedule, that starts on Monday, will mean my services on Sunday will no longer be required. I'll miss the extra money. We haven't even hit the slowest of slow days yet. That begins the Monday following Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November) until the 21st of December. Thats when the "high" tourist season begins and then blends into the "winter" season on the Monday following New Years Day.
I haven't heard what type of groups will be in next week. Have my (fill in the blank) crossed. Though rare, we have had at least one year where September was the only slow month and I earned a decent income.
Past Performance Is Not Indicative To Future Earnings
16 fares / 177 miles / 4th quarter $200 bracket
Check in tomorrow to see how tonight went.
Our brother driver Mad Cabbie has undergone emergency surgery. A close friend of his is guest hosting the blog. Would you be so kind as to drop by and leave him a get-well message in the comments?Thanks.

"Let's all be careful out there!"