When I first got started on the web in the 90's, via webTv, I met some really great people. Over the years we have stayed in touch with each other. We all belonged to a webbie newsgroup called ADWH (alt.discuss.webtv.html), which was strictly limited to webTv users. As we moved on, into the vast reaches of the net, we lost that meeting place. Tim Weaver, from North Carolina, established a forum where we could all drop by to check in on each others lives. One of our clan is a man by the name of Kent Kyle. We know we are related somehow, since that isn't really a common last name, unless you are from the Indianapolis, Indiana region. Kent is an extremely talented professional pianist, among other things. He lives along the Mississippi River on the northern edge of Minneapolis. He put together an informational page about this weeks tragic bridge collapse. Check it out. Thanks, Cuz.
Also, Flickr.com and YouTube.com searches provide interesting images/videos.
Turns out that my sweetheart, Alissa, was on I-35W approaching the span, about 1/2 mile away, when all this occurred. She and all the rest of her family are okay.
I am getting better but decided what was the sense of pushing it. Took Saturday off and will have my scheduled days off on Sunday and Monday, returning to work on Tuesday evening. This decision made a lot of people very happy.NOT!
I knew that if I had tried to load/unload luggage into ONE-NINE, I would have ended up in the ER. It just wasn't worth it. FAA rules limit luggage weight per bag to 50 pounds (23k). I don't think I have ever handled a bag that weighed less than 100 pounds (45k) and most approach 150# (68k).***
Just 6 years, 3-1/2 months to go until I can draw full SSI. My 66th B'day. I wonder if I'll live that long? Probably not. Oh, well.FECES OCCURS
Check in tomorrow for a tale from the ol' police blotter.Until then,
The Tropics

"Let's all be careful out there!"