Happy Birthday, son. I love you very much.
Give me a moment to catch my breath, okay?
Whew! Thanks. This is the first time I've stopped moving all night. My 8p "special" was ready to go at 7:15p. Renaissance to OGG. A sweet couple from Wales, UK. Starting their very long trek back home. They let me keep the dime in change as my tip. That was only 5 pence to them. Feces Occurs.
In fact, only one of my first four runs tipped me more than the coins and he was a "local"..
From 7p to 12m (5 hours), I generated 36% of the night's meter. 12m to 2a (2 hours) added the next 26% and the final 38% came during the dog-watch (2-1/2 hours).
Sarah, Katie and Dominique are all from the San Francisco, CA, USA, Bay Area.
They taught me that it is possible for four ladies to carry on three separate conversations at the same time. All I can tell you is that it loud. Very, very loud. Since they had just left the karaoke at Sansei, we sang The Gambler on the way back. I had lead and they did the backup/chorus.
At 1:11a, I am pulling into the bus-stop at the FoodLand lot. A guy is standing there, waving at me.
"How much to take me to Wailuku?"He retrieves his wallet and rumages.
"Its a $50 deposit, up-front. If it costs more,
you'll owe more. If it costs less, I'll give you back your change"
"Wow! I just have $50."I stick out my hand and he passes over 2 twenties and a ten. And off we went on a pleasant $44 trip. Gave me a $2 tip.
Started heading back and was diverted to OGG. A late arriving flight from El Lay. They had called their hotel, who called us to greet them and transport. I was there in 15 minutes. Illegally picked them up at the baggage claim curbside But have you ever tried to give directions to a strange location to someone who has been traveling for over 25 hours? Can't be done..
The Maui Airport Taxi (which has an exclusive contract with the Hawai'i State Department of Transportation for unscheduled out-bound pick-up) drivers kept screaming at me that I couldn't do what I was doing and had to go to "Pick Up #3".
They were absolutely correct. And I still just kept loading my people and their luggage. This was a serendipity run. I was just in the right place at the right time.
16 fares / 184 miles / 1st quarter $300 bracket
Everyone enjoy your weekend.See ya soon.
Paradise Epitomized

"Let's all be careful out there!"