Not here on Mau'i.
It was humid as I got ready for work last night. Took my shower, dried off. Dried off again, and again. In fact, I had to dry as I donned each article of clothing. Step outside and there is a steady rain falling, with Kona (southerly) winds. This lasted until about 8:30pm. The cold front continued south, down the island chain. After that the air was dead calm. Around 3:00am the "trades" kicked in and blew a lot of the moisture back onto the windward side of the island. The winds were strong enough and there was enough precipitation that the leeward side was getting drenched in a very heavy mist. The temperature dropped about 10 degrees when the winds picked up and made the 67f seem a lot cooler.
Why am I talking about the weather? Because that was the most interesting event of the night.
One day driver had set so long waiting for a run that his battery went dead. A bit later, cab #27's alternator light illuminated and he lost his two-way radio capability. It was being driven by Kimo and he had to pass the phone on to me, when he went home. He didn't miss much. I used to have keys for all the cabs that are parked at The Grand but they have been borrowed and never returned and thus I wasn't able to offer him an alternative vehicle.
I handled 2 runs more than Tuesday night but the meter total was $6 less. Never left town once. This is the time of year when I should be putting money aside for the "slow" times. Instead, I am starting to reach the bottom of the cookie jar. I haven't reached "critical mass" yet, but I am not far from it.
I was just looking over my records and last Wednesday night I had the exact same number of runs and metered the exact same dollar amount as last night. Thats rare.
Mahalo for dropping by and I hope everyone has a fantastic day..
Today's PICTURE GALLERY is, mostly, courtesy of my friend, Van, the owner of Maui Action Photos.
Surfer Babe

"Let's all be careful out there!"