Showed up for work and no ONE-NINE. It took 10 minutes before I could make telephone contact with dispatch. He told me that a day driver was in ONE-NINE and had just made a pickup from Safeway to an address is far north Kihei. TMR had dispatch and said ONE-NINE should be back at The Grand in about 15 minutes. It wasn't.
At 7:35pm I called back. TMR raised the driver on the radio and got a "non answer" answer from the him. I said "fuck it" and went to Judy's to visit and kill some time. Called back a little after 9pm and was told ONE-NINE was parked, finally, in the garage. Logged on at 9:25pm. I had missed all the dinner and OGG runs. Now I had to make my income on what few bar runs that might appear. Luckily, it was steady with short pupu's for most of the night.
Picked up the reservations from The Grand, for today, from the valet desk about midnight, it was long. About 2:15am I acquired the list that TMR had taken during the night. The 2 totaled out to 20 runs for today. 7 of them between 5am and 6am. Of those 7, 2 were pupu's, 1 was to Ma'alaea and 4 were headed to OGG. A lot of day drivers checked in early, having been forewarned, but I was able to get 2 of the 7.
Wanna to guess which 2?
Aw, come on, guess.
The 2 pupu's.
I got screwed coming and going. I did luck out with some decent runs during my solo hours. In fact, I never stopped moving from 2am to 6am. Pulled down 13 trips and did meter over $150. Which was waaaay better than I had any reason to expect, considering.
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The first 9 images in the PICTURE GALLERY today are courtesy of MAUI ACTION PHOTOS. Thanks Van!THE PICTURE GALLERY

"Let's all be careful out there!"