The PICTURE GALLERY, for the next six days, will be a close up tour of various beaches around the State. When I conceived this idea I thought that most of the snowbelt states would be buried under a few 100 meters of snow. But New Jersey is seeing highs in the mid-70's and people in Chicago are mowing their lawns this weekend. They haven't seen snow since October. Of course, the people in the Denver area are just hoping they'll be able to find their cars by May Day. They have had over 1 meter of snow in 7 days and are bracing for more.
I found out why the 41 square mile, 100 foot thick, Ayles Ice Shelf broke away from the Ellesmere Island area of Canada. The folks in Victoria, Australia needed it to make iced tea this summer (which is NOW - flip side of the world). It has been so hot and dry down there of late that the whole shelf might just last a month before melting. They sure need it to refill the reservoirs.
Speaking of snow, there is a good chance that Mauna Kea (see webcam on sidebar) will get some over the next few days. The cold upper air shouldn't drop low enough to affect Haleakala (it's 4,000 feet lower). The weather is forecast to be a wee bit unstable as an upper level cold front passes down the State. That means the rainy places should be a bit wetter than normal and even the arid leeward sections (like Kihei) might get some showers.
Oh, the surf is truly "up" lately. The aforementioned weather has been pushing some tremendous waves down from the Gulf of Alaska. Even though the beaches in south Mau'i were sheltered, the "wrap-around" has made for some heavy pounding surf locally. I live about 1/4 mile inland and 180' above sea level and the sound of the crashing waves even reaches my place at night. Rather impressive.
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I found another blog from a cab rider yesterday.. I even left a comment and told the writer that I would be adding him to my links. Woke up this afternoon and now I cannot find that link. Should you stumble across me, I know there is a link on your site to this one, please leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail so I can correct my error and get you listed. Mahalo.THE PICTURE GALLERY
Banzai Pipeline
North Shore
North Shore

Hamoa Bay
Haunama Bay

"Let's all be careful out there!"