I see that ATA Airlines is going to increase their service to the islands. I usually fly ATA when I make my rare trips back to the mainland. Press Release.
THE DRAFTIncoming House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel, (D-N.Y). really brought down the ire of both sides of the aisle when he proposed reinstating the "draft" for males between the ages of 18 and 25.
MELLOW MONDAYJust chilled most of the day. A very relaxing time. Had a prime rib dinner with Judy and then chatted and watched TV at her place afterwards. Okay, there is one advantage to getting old. I now qualify for the senior citizens "early bird" special discount. Heck, a buck saved is a buck saved.
The daughter received her camera last week and I called to see how she liked it. She that TJ (my grandson #3) said to tell me that he "really" loved me. I guess that means he likes the camera, too. He's 13 1/2 y.o.. She has barely had time to learn how to work it. I told her to let TJ fiddle with it for a bit and he'll know everything about it within 30 minutes, or less.
The poor folks along the true south side of the island are still isolated since the earthquake last month. The bridges on each end of the road still haven't been replaced with some sort of "military" type temporary solution.
In The Curl

"Let's all be careful out there!"