Started the night feeling like a powerhouse!

I was going to blitz the cab world tonight!

First call was out to the Seawatch Restaurant,

the clubhouse for the Wailea "GOLD" and "EMERALD" golf courses.
I was told that I had two people coming back to The Grand. Saw four people there when I arrived. A good looking young couple and two golfers. The couple was standing right at the curb, so I pulled up in front of them. Oops, wrong pair. They walked away and I waited for the two golfers. They ignored me. After three minutes, I circled around the fountain

and parked across from the doorway. and waited five more minutes.
Decided that this would be a good time to grab a couple of pics. Then I approached the valet and told him why I was there. Maybe he knew something. He did.
"Dats dem righ' dere, brah". Pointing at the golfers.
The guy you see in the pic then says sarcastically, "You done taking pictures? We're getting rather impatient!"
Plastered on my best "Jim Baker" preacher smile and didn't say a word.
And then I got them out of my life, rapidly.
That was followed by a dinner run into town. When I cleared, dispatch told me to stay there and rest my heels. 15 minutes later I was enroute to an "in-town" reservation for OGG.
Did dinner returns and bar runs for the rest of the night.
Made a pickup at The Sports Page (aka "Page") a little after 1:00am and rediscovered an old regular customer.
Meet Brooke:

She works as a cocktail waitress at the "Page"

and used to be a regular fare. Now she lives in Ha'iku (a fair distance away) but she was going to her mom's place in Wailuku this morning. Nice $51 jaunt.

This pic is from Waikapu (bad water) looking across Kahului towards the ESE. About 600 ft (183 m) elevation. Best viewed when enlarged.

From Sansei to you,


I like Bocalino's. Danceable music, a bit up-scale. A different breed from the "Triangle". Only bad thought about it is that this is where I picked up the guy who took a shot at me (and missed) inside the cab.
Some of us can remember when you could only find these places in the seedier sections of large cities.

"The times they are a-changin'"

Had a 5:15am "time call" from The Mau'i Coast to OGG.
This is a very nice, reasonably priced, place to stay. Across the street from 6 miles of sandy beach. A poolside bar and a pretty good restaurant are on property. About 1/2 mile from the "Triangle" and easy walking distance to many inexpensive restaurants and shops. About $150 a night. Great views of the ocean from the rooms. They get better the higher up you go.

There's my fare.

Two early day drivers were "no call/no show" this morning, so I stayed on until 7:00am, when we finally had adequate coverage. And earned a few extra bucks for myself.
It was a very good shift. :)
"Let's all be careful out there!"
1 comment:
Just have to tell you how much I enjoy the photos. You are in a beautiful area!
By the way, how did you get the little icons of the blogs in your list?! Pretty cool stuff!
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