Photo is from the Maui News.
They are rare but tornadoes, and waterspouts, do occur here.
You can read more here.
Brian L.
Harden J.
Harden made the worldwide tabloids this past Christmas when Paris Hilton peed in the back of his cab.
Jim G.
Joel B.
Mary M.
Susan H.
This is only part of the crew. Some just don't want their pics taken and the others I rarely have contact with.
The weather is starting to improve. Kind of a "milky" blue sky right now. The weather front that caused all the problems has moved north but there is still enough residual moisture in the atmosphere to cause some convectional heating thunderstorms. Hopefully by this weekend we'll be back to our normal tradewind weather that Mau'i is so famous for.
And the tourists will stop complaining to me about the weather. As if it is all my fault that their vacation was rained on.
At least they didn't have to shovel it.
"Spring Break" is a month long event. Different colleges and universities take their breaks at different times. Thus spreading out the tourist flow.
We typically get the "juniors" and "seniors" here, since the cost of transportation is so expensive. "Freshmen" and "sophomores" typically pile a whole passle of people into a few cars and head for Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Lake Mead, NV. or South Padre Island, TX.
Our "spring breakers" tend to be more relaxed and not the underage "binge drinkers" that the other locations get. Thank god.
Turns out that my family name has a "Coat-Of-Arms".
Not really important, just thought I would share it ;)
Start another work week at 7:00pm. Time to take a nap.
"Let's all be careful out there!"
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
5 weeks ago
We rarely get water spouts either but from the Guiness Book of Records.....
The highest waterspout ever recorded was on May 16,1898,off the coast of Eden, New South Wales, Australia. A theodolite reading from the shore gave its height as 1,528 m. (5,014 ft.).
Wil luv your coat of arms, those are rampant maglites are they not. Every coat of arms has to have something rampant! be safe June
I notice you have quite a few lady drivers out there.They are a bit of rarity over here.Out of about four hundred local drivers about four are female.
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